khall Sep 29, 2015 01:45
communication, fairy tales, whimsy caprice and humor, writings, humor and randomness, writing, not a fairy tale, not real tags, convention, not an update, rant, blah, consciousness, not currently having sex, stories
khall Jul 28, 2012 23:11
fairy tales, writings, writing, stories, humor
khall Mar 09, 2012 08:48
rambling, fairy tales, writings, it's about time for, writing, stories, humor
khall Jan 10, 2012 12:30
fairy tales, whimsy caprice and humor
khall May 20, 2011 07:15
fairy tales
khall Apr 17, 2011 10:26
khall Oct 31, 2010 05:24
khall Sep 28, 2010 05:41